The Sad Demise of the Lincoln Project

Dr. Munr Kazmir
5 min readFeb 19, 2021

The Lincoln Project goes down in a blaze of ignominy and scandal.

Abraham Lincoln in color, artist unknown. September 16, 2013. (photo: Bill Dickinson)

The well-known Republican anti-Trump organization, the Lincoln Project, is now facing calls to shut down the organization after over 21 men came forward to accuse one of the group’s co-founders of harassment.

Lincoln Project Co-founder John Weaver has been accused of sending inappropriate messages to and harassing young men, including at least two minors.

American Conservative writer Ryan Girdusky broke the story about Weaver’s sexual harassment in early January but the Lincoln Project did not release a statement on the accusations until much later. When the story reached Axios and other news sites, members of the Lincoln Project initially claimed to have been ignorant of Weaver’s behavior prior to January. They also claimed to have been “shocked” at the revelations about the project’s founder.

However, a report from The Associated Press soon revealed that members of the organization’s top leadership were informed both in writing and during phone calls of at least 10 allegations of harassment against Weaver in June of 2020.

As the allegations have been more widely reported, some current and former members of the organization have already stepped away or otherwise begun to distance themselves from the Lincoln…

