“Retire Breyer!”

Dr. Munr Kazmir
5 min readJun 23, 2021

The new rallying cry of the left has recast Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a cautionary tale.

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash.

Justice Breyer’s Legacy-Defining Decision,” intoned the Atlantic ominously. “The longer Breyer remains, the more likely a Republican president choosing his successor becomes.”

Opinion: I think retirement would be just perfect for Justice Breyer,” piled on The Washington Post, before softening the sentiment with a jaunty, “or anyone else!”

“Do you really wish to spend the remainder of your existence forced to sit in a room with a man named Neil with whom you disagree?” the Post wondered, “Dear Diary”-style. “You do not need to perish in the traces!”

“You know what’s fun?” promised WP opinion writer Alexandra Petri, before suggesting the 82-year old Breyer take up windsurfing or sit beside a lake. “Retirement!”

“It’s time for Justice Stephen Breyer to announce his intent to retire from the Supreme Court,” read the unequivocal statement, published in the New York Times last week by the progressive group Demand Justice.

“Breyer is a remarkable jurist, but with future control of a closely divided Senate uncertain, it is best for the country that President Biden have the opportunity to nominate a successor without delay,” the letter’s signers concluded.

