New Media Growth a Major Factor in 2024 Election?

Dr. Munr Kazmir
4 min readJun 16, 2024

The news media landscape is more crowded than it was in 2020.

Photo by Sam Fry on Unsplash.

The Overlooked (But Real) Possibility of a Big Democratic Win,” Russell Berman wrote in what is sure to be a very popular piece in the Atlantic this week.

“Democrats have spent the past year talking much more about the prospect of a Donald Trump victory than about their own,” mused Berman. “The relentless focus on Trump is understandable, but it has obscured a central reality of the 2024 election: Democrats have a real chance to sweep the presidency, House, and Senate. And if they do, their congressional majority would likely be more cohesive and progressive than during President Joe Biden’s first two years in office.”

“A wide-ranging group of Democrats — including moderates running in swing districts as well as those in the party’s left wing — wants the president to emphasize the promise of his second term as much as, if not more than, the peril of Trump’s,” he added. “Because Biden focuses so much on the threat Trump poses to democracy and the rule of law, they think Biden risks losing voters who want to see tangible improvements in their lives.”

“Biden’s campaign website, for example, doesn’t even include a policy section,” complained Berman. “Campaign officials say their emphasis on promoting Biden’s record and…

