Dr. Munr Kazmir
4 min readDec 30, 2018

I have very few complaints in my life, which I know is rare these days.

But honestly, I am a successful businessman with an incredible family and fantastic friends, so why wouldn’t I be happy?

But even with all that, obviously, I am not perfect.

There are things about myself and my ,life that I can change.

Every year around this time, people make New Years Resolutions, so I am doing the same.

  • I resolve to show my children even more love and support. My three daughters and my son are the light of my life and I will continue to do everything I can to show them affection and help guide them on their journeys through life in 2019.
  • I resolve to continue growing my businesses so that I can provide even more value to society and more jobs for people who need them.
  • I resolve to take even better care of all the employees I have working so hard all year doing their part to help my ventures be a success. No CEO can achieve his goals without a great support staff, and the men and women who work with me are the best people I could ever hope to have by my side. I do my best every year to be a kind and generous boss and I am going to try to do an even better job of that in 2019.
  • I resolve to continue to grow the American International School System, which I founded as a way to help young children in my birth city of Lahore, Pakistan receive a first class education. Many children in Lahore that I grew up with did not get that opportunity. So, in 2019, I aspire to help even more children currently living in Lahore get the chances that many of my childhood acquaintances did not get.
  • I resolve to continue doing everything possible to be a productive citizen of the United States, the greatest country in the entire world. This truly is the land of the free and a place where you can accomplish anything as long as you are willing to work hard enough, and I am lucky to live here. I will do everything I can in 2019 to continue repaying this country for allowing me to be a part of it.
  • I resolve to continue appreciating the brave men and women overseas serving in our armed forces. Without these incredible people protecting us everyday at the risk of losing their own lives, we would not be free to live free, something we take for granted far too often.
  • I resolve to continue making a difference to help the amazing people working in law enforcement who, like those in the military, spend their days and nights protecting us from domestic harm from criminals and removing offenders of our justice system from society so they can no longer damage others. These dedicated men and women sacrifice so much to keep our society orderly and safe and they deserve to be commended for it much more than they usually are. This is why I am on the board of the DEA Survivors Benefit Foundation, an organization I will show major support for in 2019.
  • I resolve to appreciate President Trump even more, understanding the value of having a strong leader in the White House goes far beyond just my own political preferences. When I was a young man, Ronald Reagan made a gigantic impression on me that I never forgot by putting America’s interest first and creating a blueprint for our nation’s prosperity. That blueprint was sadly ignored until President Trump was sworn in almost two years ago. This country has long needed a man like him to bring us back to what works so well, and I could not have asked for better results so far. I look forward to seeing what the president’s bold leadership brings in 2019.
  • I resolve to continue to treasure my Jewish faith and my position as Vice President of the American Jewish Congress. Jack Rosen has been a phenomenal leader, helping to bring the organization to new heights and my personal faith and pride have continued to grow by being able to serve alongside him, something I look forward to resuming in 2019.
  • And last but not least, I resolve to be good to friends who are close to me, strangers I meet, and even to myself. As Bre Payton’s sudden tragic death has once again shown us, you only get one life to live and you need to take care of yourself mentally and physically, while simultaneously being a good person to others. I look forward to doing exactly that in 2019, as I enter the 62nd year of my life.

