Dems Should Resist the Temptation to Attack Amy Coney Barrett

Dr. Munr Kazmir
5 min readOct 12, 2020

Doing so won’t prevent her confirmation, but it might hurt Democrats on Election Day.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett delivers remarks after President Donald J. Trump announced her as his nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020, in the Rose Garden of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

When U.S. President Donald Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19, some on the left rejoiced in unseemly ways. Savvier politicians knew better and refrained, but from calling COVID-19 “God’s gift to the left”, to publicly wishing death on Donald Trump, celebrities and Democratic luminaries in the press let fly.

For many- COVID number crunchers who knew the odds were around 95% on Trump making a full recovery, and others who just didn’t hold with the “wrath of God” narrative- it all seemed a bit mean-spirited and pointless. If Democrats really are winning, if Joe Biden really is a shoo-in for the presidency at this point, why risk it?

For all their objections to normalizing the administration and behavior of Donald Trump, nothing does more to make even his rudest Twitter rants appear mainstream than a wave of equal and opposite bile from blue-checks on the left.

Unfortunately, there is every indication that this behavior was merely a precursor for what America is in store for over the next few weeks.

Barring some unusual circumstance, Amy Coney Barrett will be confirmed by the U.S. Senate between now and Election Day. Democrats can grouse all they like about…

