Chemically-Addictive Foods Crossed the Line in a Free Market Economy

Adding chemically-addictive compounds to food- what could possibly go wrong?

Dr. Munr Kazmir
5 min readDec 5, 2020
Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash.

Green New Deal Democrats anxious to remake American society into a new image of never-before-known levels of environmental stewardship and social justice have their work cut out for them.

As former President Barack Obama recently reminded progressives, they first must convince a majority of people of the efficacy of their arguments, ideas, and solutions, which is no mean feat. We have, as Obama pointed out, a Democracy, after all; we can’t impose our will on others, no matter how right or righteous we may happen to be.

Picking apart the various aspects of our current stewardship of the environment- which in spite of President Trump’s extrication of the U.S. from the Paris Accord is on par with its contemporaries, at least as it pertains to carbon emissions- we find a patchwork of overlooked, and over-lapping, concerns.

The problem with the Paris Accord, of course, was that it didn’t go nearly far enough. Both in terms of its reach, with one of the biggest polluters on the planet, China, not being on board, and in terms of its scope. Many of the worst, and most urgent, environmental perils, went utterly unaddressed and remain…



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